Our Story
Stumpy’s Lakeside Grill is the Lake Granbury gathering place that families and boaters look forward to when they reach our docks at Lake Granbury Marina. Stumpy’s is conveniently located 1.3 miles south of Highway 377 on Highway 144, the Glen Rose Highway.
Roll down your window – you’ll know you’re close when you smell the burgers.
Stumpy’s in Granbury, Texas: The Story
Two fishermen converse animatedly about the striped bass over lagers at the bar. A pair of famished paddleboarders go straight for the half-pound burgers – drooling with pepper jack cheese and glistening grilled onions and freshly-cut jalapenos. A family of six can’t decide on one thing and pass around a catfish basket, a grilled shrimp basket, and a side of hushpuppies. It’s their third time here this week.
Within a set of walls that have developed their own culinary mythology, this has been happening daily since 2009.
15 years later, it’s the question when tourists come into town:
“Where do the locals eat?”
It’s always Stumpy’s.
So, what is it that gives Stumpy’s a reputation as a landmark of North Texas?
The Guests
A guy pumps gas into an 18-foot Skeeter as he lounges next to the town mayor. There goes the millionaire who lives up the street, as he holds the door for the sweet old lady who comes every week for Taco Tuesday. Families tubing. The college kids out for a lake day. The retired NFL quarterback. This is Granbury, Texas.
And the tourists walking into Stumpy’s?
“Yes,” we’ll say. “We have wonderful bloody marys. Or maybe you’d prefer this goblet-sized strawberry daiquiri.”
This is the place where you’re always a few steps away from a “hello” and a handshake, and even closer to a meal that will have you wondering if you can handle seconds.
The Food
When you go home to Mom’s and she makes you one of your childhood favorites, it tastes exactly like you remember, and it’s wonderful. That’s the food here. The bottomless chips and salsa. The fried catfish. Fish tacos that get mentioned in conversation a hundred miles away. It’s always a challenge when bringing someone new to Stumpy’s. They always ask, “What’s good here?”
It’s all good.
The Stumpy’s Restaurant and Granbury, Texas Experience
The sun reverberates off the cool blend of aqua and sky blues in the mural that decorates the Stumpy’s wall. A St. Arnold’s Spring Bock drips with condensation as it rests atop the thick, warm-wooded bar that has listened in on so many vibrant conversations. Outside on the covered marina dock, the picnic tables are full. Families and fishermen bite into hot food with a cold drink and an atmosphere that’s its own brand of big-hearted ambiance.
Stumpy’s is ingrained with a spirit of adventure and comfort, the scent of warm po-boys, and the breezed air that swirls in off the lake to mingle. The sounds are a vibrant, blended buzz, both boisterous and tranquil.
Come in, order a pint, and absorb the lake view. Our eclectic community welcomes you as people come in off the water to enjoy a restaurant experience that isn’t just an amazing Lake Granbury meal.
It’s an iconic destination.

Best Taco
Best Catfish
Best Boat Rental
Easter Sunday – Closed
Mothers Day – Open normal Hours May 14th
Memorial Day Weekend – Open 11-9 Fri-Sat, 11-8 Sun, 11-3 Monday, May 29th
Fathers Day – Open Normal Hours June 18th
July 4th – Open from 11-3pm, Closed Monday the 3rd
Labor Day Weekend – Open 11-9 Fri-Sat, 11-8 Sun, 11-3 Monday the 4th
Thanksgiving – Open 11-3 on 23rd, Open Normal Hours November 24th
Christmas – Christmas Eve Open 11-3, Closed Christmas Day
New Years – New Years Eve Open 11-3, Closed New Year’s Day